Having bit the bullet and purchsed a Mk1 Lotus Cortina that has been stood some years (and lost bits on the way) it feels like dejavu in a way. The car is a 65 airflow with the plain door cards but on leaf springs rather than A-frame with a really good body needing some work undertaken by others. I am concentrating on cleaning, painting where needed and finding those missing parts (the fun bit!). The car isn’t home yet as the estate car needs to be sold to make room and provide the funds for the missing parts but it didn’t stop me taking bits home as they are easy to take apart.
So, in a nutshell, work has started and like any restoration you just do a bit each day and then it suddenly all comes together. Don’t rush it, make sure the parts are right and have fun on the way.
Incidentally the Mk1 Cortina Owners Club has lots of parts for the car and the rest can be found through contacts on the facebook page and in the magazine which drops through the letter box every 2 months if you are a member.