Yesterday at Full Council at North Yorkshire the 20’s plenty group did a public question in the council chamber. Following it, and under the constitution, there was a short debate and vote to progress this at the council—ie adopt it as a strategy. It failed sadly but there was certainly some comfort it the fact it was ‘aired’ in the council chamber.
The whole ethos behind it is NOT to stifle busines but make drivers do 20mph where people live. So in the main it means in town centres and villages and estates. I recently visited Wales to go cycling, which is 150 miles by car. I only had to do 20mph for the last 200 yards as I entered the village I was staying at!!! We already have it in a number of areas—centre of Sherburn in Elmet, all Kippax (which will be part of the Selby and Kippax Constituency next year!!) so lets bite the bullet.
One final point—they say it would cost millions to alter all the signs. In Carlton they lowered the speed limit from 40 to 30 as you enter from the north. They just got some stickers printed and stuck them on the original signs!!!